Snow is falling. To tell the truth, it melts down the second it touches the ground so there is probably no chance of white Christmas this year, but frankly I don't mind.
It was the first Christmas Eve that I didn't spend at my parent's house, choosing to stay in Cracow instead. As my mother reports, it was also the first year that my family realised I'm a vegetarian-almost-vegan (it's been 12 years people!). So I skipped the carp, the egg salad and tons of fish-based meals. Instead I cooked a humongous supper with highlights such as roasted vegetable pâté with thick gravy, cabbage with peas and obviously borscht. I baked Jewish krantz – a last minute decision, because it turned out there is SO MUCH time for cooking. I'm still eating leftovers and I'll be taking some to my cousin whom I'm visiting later today.
After a day in a kitchen I deserved a good rest, so I spent the first day of Christmas wrapped in blanket, eating Swedish pepparkakor and reading The God of Small Things and The Isles: A History. Here I must reflect on how multicultural my Christmas are. Hence, I don't hesitate to wish you a very merry Christmas. In Poland we may have only two days of Christmas, but as a popular English song shows, some might have twelve.
Wegepasztet brzmi i wygląda świetnie, kiedyś na pewno się skuszę. Spieszę też donieść, że autochtoni nakarmieni barszczem i pierogami (faszerowanymi kimchi i grzybami shiitake) mruczeli z zadowolenia; niech żyją święta multikulti!
OdpowiedzUsuńAleż Śnieżka ma groźne spojrzenie na tym zdjęciu!