For most of my life my relationship with colors was quite difficult. As a rather plump kid (to put it mildly) I preferred dark and baggy clothes. I remember wearing a gray t-shirt that was so huge that even my father (who is a really big man) could have it. I think I was 12 at that time.
My attitudes toward colors changed as well. I was a sophomore when my flatmate said: "You recognize the clothes in your wardrobe by the shade of black, don't you". And it wasn't so far from truth. It took me a while to readjust my self-perception so that it matches my actual appearance more closely.
Now I'm in the phase of rediscovering bright colors. Pink, turquoise, white overalls. It just makes me feel better, happier. Or maybe it's just summer?
OdpowiedzUsuńhmmm ja tez wole ciemne kolory szarosci czernie oliwki ale czasem bierze mnie i pojawia sie nawet róz ostatnio duzo bieli :)
OdpowiedzUsuńJa za to ostatnio stawiam na bardziej klasyczne zestawienia kolorów ;)