A struggle for a simpler life captured with a camera

piątek, 12 kwietnia 2013



I know that putting pictures of a cat on the Internet is not the most inspiring thing on the planet Earth, but I must admit that my cat is probably ma favorite model – she is always available (a huge plus) and combines the ability to stay still with an unexpected creativity when it comes to new poses. Ladies and gentlemen… Rysia.

wtorek, 9 kwietnia 2013

środa, 3 kwietnia 2013

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I spotted her last summer at the Grodzka Street. She didn't speak Polish (she was French as far as I remember), which came to me as a relief. I am very, very bad at talking to people, witch isn't really good for a wannabe photographer. Because she was foreign, it was easier for me, but it's hard to explain why. Maybe I felt safer because it would be unlikely to meet her again? Because then we would kind ok know each other, but not really.

I took a picture of her, because I really liked how her hair was done – the white ribbon, the green details. Dreadlocks influence one's style very much, but she seemed very comfortable with that.

wtorek, 2 kwietnia 2013

poniedziałek, 1 kwietnia 2013

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Prepared horseradish

When it comes to Easter food this year, for me it was all about the homemade prepared horseradish. My parents used to make their own one since I can remember (horseradish grows in their garden and it looks like a rather unattractive weed), but I was usually quite indifferent – just not my taste. But this year I started dreaming about a horseradish a couple of weeks before Easter. Maybe because I had changed my diet, or maybe because the weather is more like Christmas and I'm all like SPRING-PLEASE-COME-NOW. So on Holy Saturday I joined my parents to make the prepared horseradish together. It turns out it's super easy.
  1. You need: two horseradish roots, sour cream, lemon juice (1 lemon is just enough), honey or agava syrup (1 spoon) (and yes you can use sugar, but we know sugar is bad and it's better to go for a healthier substitute).
  2. Peel and grate the horseradish. (At this point everybody starts crying, because it's even worse than cutting onion.) Sprinkle it with lemon juice immediately, so that it keeps it's nice white color.
  3. Add sour cream and honey as you please. The more sour cream you use, the milder the dip becomes. We went for extra spicy.
You can keep it in the fridge for a couple of days. It's super healthy, it's good for your digestion, makes you feel fresh and helps you breathe. And tastes good with eggs, so it's perfect for Easter, obviously.

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